5 Ways to Keep Your Home Organized

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Think about it, the more clothes and shoes you add to your closet, the more space you’ll need to put them. The more pots and pans you add to your kitchen cupboard, the more space you’ll need to put them. What if space is limited in your kitchen cupboards, and what if your closet is starting to look like a sale rack in a clothing store? A hot mess! Sometimes you find yourself using the same items again and again while neglecting the rest.

Below I have listed 5 ways to help with the stress of cluttered spaces in your home. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you to get through this problem by yourself or by hiring a professional organizer.

Less is More


Often times we assign a spot in our home to pile up all the things that we don’t use, and then we forget about them. Over time, that spot becomes a cluttered area.  Most of the items in that cluttered area can be donated or thrown away.

Going through cluttered spaces will help you notice that you have way too many of the same items. Items that someone else could be using. It’s always good to set aside a day to go through a space in your home that has practically been forgotten. You probably won’t remember what you left in that space.

Stop Creating Piles (You’ll never go back to it, which will create clutter.)

Organizing paperwork

Numerous piles of random stuff are the reason why you have a cluttered space.  The more unlike items you neglect on the table because you don’t want to be bothered with it, the more junkie that table begins to look. Then every time you look at that table, it depresses and overwhelms you.

If you are not bothered with those items now, you won’t be bothered with it tomorrow. So either you toss them or place them somewhere you are likely to revisit.

Use Storage Items to Create Space or to Create Order

professional organizing tips

Sometimes we place random items in a spot (on the table) because we don’t have anywhere else to put them. Take a trip to the container store or if you’re on a budget, the dollar store has storage totes and bins for simple storage ideas. You’ll see a significant difference in the use of space in your closet or cupboard. Check out these before and after pics below using a small container that cost only a dollar.

professional organizing

Assign a Space for Like Items

Once you go through the cluttered area in your home, you can assign a space for all the items you decided to keep. Begin to organize those items into categories. So you want to put old photos in an album/large envelope, then place it with the rest of your photos. File away important documents or place them in a bin and label it.  Follow this pattern throughout.

Try to do a Weekly Clean Up (Choose a day out of the week)

professional organizing tips

If you include cleaning on your agenda once a week, you will be able to stop piling up items. Use one day out of the week to straighten up your home. Then you will mentally prepare yourself to tidy up because it’ll become a routine.

The only way to eliminate the problem is by consistently making an effort to prevent items from piling up.

Hire a Professional Organizer to help you get organized

Organizing tips

If the clutter is just way too much to handle, invest in a professional organizer. A professional organizer is always ready to take on the experience of transforming a cluttered area into a tidy and organized space.  Some professional organizers will give you storage ideas and volunteer to take items to donation centers.

Make an appointment to consult with a professional organizer, then see if he/she can meet your needs. If you’re located in or near Atlanta, Georgia, feel free to reach out to Positiflo Organizing Co.

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